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Wake Up Wednesdays🗣🗣🗣

Updated: Jan 16, 2021

As I returned home yesterday morning, I came across two men sitting in the building. I was in my thoughts as I listened to my music; one of the men tried to catch my attention.

I took my headphones out to find out what he wanted, and he apologised to me. I found it strange, so I questioned his apology, he explained that he was apologising for sitting in the building because he knew he was not supposed to be in there.

He began confessing, admitting he was a drug addict and spoke about his traumatic childhood, both his parents were drug addicts, his mother was a prostitute, and from the age of 12, he started taking drugs.

I encouraged him and shared a word to him about Jesus Christ, and I asked him if he believed God would heal him of all his pain and trauma, and he replied, yes he did. We exchanged numbers.

When I came home, I was so upset in my spirit as believers; our job is not just to preach the gospel. It is part of our duty to help transform the lives of others, not only by words but by our actions.

“You shall certainly restore the pledge (security deposit) to him at sunset, so that he may sleep in his garment and bless you; and it will be credited to you as righteousness (right standing) before the LORD your God.” ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭24:13‬ ‭AMP‬‬

In Deuteronomy, we find God-inspired advice that can serve as a general framework for our actions. A poor neighbour’s only valuable possession for use as a pledge or collateral might be his cloak. The holder of the pledge is told to return the cloak to the owner by sunset so that he may sleep in it. This thoughtfulness should bring about a debtor’s thanksgiving. And God will view it as a just, righteous act.

As Scripture challenges us to get involved with helping people in need, it also reminds us of our own poor spiritual condition.

Without Jesus, we have absolutely nothing to use as collateral for our salvation. Even so, he freely and generously grants us forgiveness and new life. He saved us by dying on the cross.

PRAYER: Lord, thank you for your forgiveness in Christ. Give us a thankful heart, and teach us how to live in gratitude to you by helping others. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Written by Ama Ghana

Ama Ghana is a Servant of God and the Founder of Seek Ye First Christian blog.

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