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Happy Resurrection Sunday to you all. Today at church, we had such a glorious Sunday amid the worship, and I received a message. “He said those who thirst for me I will fill their cup.”

Some habits are important for a healthy lifestyle. Daily reading of the Bible is critical to a well-developed heart, mind, and spirit. We need daily instalments of God’s Word, His truth, His promises, His plan, and His heart. We need His Word like we need daily instalments of water or we will face the negative effects of dehydration.

All too often we find ourselves with a dry mouth, scratchy throat, and in need of a cold glass of water.

When your thirst gets to this point, your body is already running too low in terms of hydration. You should always keep in mind that dehydration is more than just a dry throat, It has serious effects throughout the entire body that will make you think twice the next time you feel yourself getting thirsty.

Missing water breaks are like missing times in the Word of God and will carry negative side effects.

It’s the same way when you're spiritually dehydrated you find yourself experiencing symptoms such as anxiety, jealousy, anger, loneliness pride and more.

We have to constantly fill ourselves with God’s truth to be spiritually healthy because the world will try to fill us with lies.

There will be times when we don’t even see ourselves slipping out of the routine of Bible study and quiet time with God because we are so busy with twenty other commitments, but eventually, we will feel the effects of it.

Thankfully, like drinking our water quota, diving back into God’s Word can cure us of the symptoms of spiritual dehydration, but we have to do the work on our end too. So let us continue to seek Him daily so He can daily continue to fill us up.

“And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.” Revelations 22:17 NKJV

Encourage someone today and share.


Written by Ama Ghana @seekyefirstjesus

Ama Ghana is a Servant of God and the Founder of Seek Ye First Christian blog.                          

She blogs here

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